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20 Articles Using Content Analysis for Digital Hate Research
Digital hate refers to negative emotions and attitudes expressed towards individuals or groups in digital environment. This type of internet...
What is t-Test and How to Perform t-Test on DiVoMiner®
1. t-Test The t test, also known as the student’s t-test, is a statistical hypothesis test used to determine whether there is a significant...
What Does ChatGPT Say About DiVoMiner®?
Some fun time with the fashionable conversational bot ChatGPT. Here is the conversation. : What is DiVoMiner? : DiVoMiner is a tool or software that...
Machine and Manual Coding on the DiVoMiner® Platform
Ever since the launch of DiVoMiner® platform, it has empowered many researchers in conducting their content analysis in social sciences. One key...
Using DiVoMiner® for Intercoder Reliability Test in Content Analysis
Intercoder reliability, or interrater agreement (Tinsley and Weiss, 1975, 2000) refers to the level of agreement between independent coders who...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) research with DiVoMiner®
Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, scholars have been researching and publishing their studies in various fields. In social sciences, some...
In Memory of Professor Emeritus Klaus Krippendorff
(Photo credit: Annenberg School for Communication at University of Pennsylvania.) Prof. Klaus Krippendorff is a giant in communication, semantics,...
20 Articles Using Content Analysis for Disinformation/Misinformation Research
Misinformation is false or inaccurate information: getting the facts wrong. Disinformation is false information deliberately intended to mislead and...
New Publication with DiVoMiner® on Public Relations Review
DiVoMiner® would like to extend our sincere congrats to Song Harris Ao, MAK Angela, and TSANG Lennon for their third SSCI publication titled...